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Brain Stimulating Activities

Social Engagement
The BrainFlex Workbook Encourages Social Engagement

Healthy Nutrition = Healthy Brain
The BrainFlex® System is based on key concepts: Exercise/Meditation, Social Connections, Interactive Nutrition Education, Brain Training/Life-Long Learning. Research supports that applying these concepts together has the potential to slow physical and mental decline.
Brain Training/Life-Long Learning
Brain Training utilizes memory, spatial awareness, reasoning skills, & multi-tasking exercises to help retrain your brain and process information, which can help seniors maintain independence in their daily lives. Life-long learning involves learning new information and skills in order to build the brain's cognitive reserve.
Interactive Nutrition Education
Healthy eating plays a key role in the brain’s cognitive ability & its resistance to cognitive decline. Each workbook includes four recipes with detailed nutritional information about the primary ingredients in the recipe and the benefits they provide both the brain and body.
Sitter-size: Included in each workbook is a detailed exercise guide designed to strengthen the core, increase range of motion, reduce the risk of falls, and strengthen important muscle groups, as well as cardio exercises to increase oxygen and blood flow to the brain and other vital organs.
Prayer/Meditation: The purpose of this portion of the workbook is to reduce stress and/or anxiety. Self-affirmations are a key component to this exercise, which we encourage seniors to read aloud. Breathing exercises are also included, which assists in the release of stress while increasing oxygen levels in the brain and reducing cortisol levels.