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There are three levels in 'The BrainFlex System' Series of workbooks
The ‘Prevention’ Series
This workbook series consists of volumes 1 through 12, with each workbook designed to last one month, (2 lessons per week), and is appropriate for the following:
Anyone who would like to take a preventative approach to aging well and brain health.
The ‘Early to Mid’ Series’
This workbook series consists of volumes 1 through 12. Each volume contains 8 lessons and is designed to be completed over a one month period. (2 sessions/week) This series is appropriate for the following:
Those who are in the earlier stages of dementia with mild cognitive decline and are able to understand and follow directions.
Anyone experiencing mild memory loss and is determined to slow the process down.
Anyone who has been diagnosed with a disease that impacts brain function and would like to maintain their brain and/or slow any decline.
The ‘Mid to Moderate’ Series.
This workbook series consists of volumes 1 through 12. Each volume contains 8 lessons and is designed to be completed over a one month period. (2 sessions/week) This series is appropriate for the following:
Those who have Alzheimer's or any other age-related disease that may impact brain function and have been experiencing dementia for some time. It is helpful if the individual is still able to understand and follow simple directions with visual or verbal cueing.
Hosting a BrainFlex Wellness session in your Independent Living or Assisted Living Community twice a week, allows residents to connect and motivate one another to make healthy life-style choices. Residents will especially enjoy the relationships they develop during each BrainFlex session. Following are some of the benefits communities may experience when their residents are fully engaged in the BrainFlex System:
(Note: These benefits apply to Adult Day Programs as well.)
- Healthier residents committed to building a strong immune system
- A reduction in hospital visits
- Less depression amongst residents
- Slower decline in cognitive ability
- Improved overall quality of life
- Increased motivation to make choices that contribute to brain health and overall physical fitness
- Stronger commitment to maintaining independence
- Staff members learn valuable information along side the residents
- Happier families
- And more!
The BrainFlex workbook is ideal for home care companies, providing caregivers with engaging activities that educate and motivate both the client and the caregiver, while also providing supportive material to families. In addition, everyone will learn how to make healthy life-style choices, all while engaging in brain stimulating activities that create a deeper bond as they laugh and learn together. Following are some of the benefits Home Care Agencies may experience when their clients are fully engaged in the BrainFlex System:
- Clients become more committed to their health and to building a strong immune system
- A reduction in hospital visits
- Slower decline in cognitive ability
- Increased motivation to make choices that contribute to brain health and overall physical fitness
- Improved quality of life
- Stronger commitment to maintaining independence
- Caregivers learn valuable information along side clients
- Caregivers become more fulfilled in their work when they see they're making a difference, and will enjoy learning as well. (Feeling fulfilled at work contributes to increased job satisfaction and helps reduce turnover)
- The workbooks give caregiver managers the opportunity to stay connected to caregivers as well as to clients and their families, while also providing a way to track caregiver/client engagement.
- Happier families!
- And more!
Of course, the workbook is a great option for seniors living at home. With a BrainFlex workbook sitting on the coffee table, seniors have another option when they're reaching for the remote, (and one which will give their brain a much better work out). Following are some of the benefits seniors living at home may experience when they are fully engaged in the BrainFlex System:
- Reduced depression
- Slower cognitive decline
- A renewed commitment to health and to building a strong immune system
- More motivated to engage in activities that help maintain independence
- Increased motivation to make choices that contribute to brain health and overall physical fitness
- And more!
Brain Exercise: Use it or lose it! Included in each of the 8 lessons are 3-5 brain stimulating exercises, all designed to stimulate various areas of the brain. Activities focus on creativity, writing, reading, recall, problem solving, self-expression, brainstorming, etc., while others require a more structured or logical approach, such as deciphering a chart or graph. Exercising areas of the brain related to reasoning and math are also an important part of each workbook. A life-long learning component (new information) is incorporated into every workbook, which is designed to increase the brain's cognitive reserve.
Social Connections, “News You Can Use” One unique discussion sheet is included with every lesson, each designed to inform, educate, and encourage conversation. These sheets focus on a wide range of important topics, including the ‘why’ behind all the vital BrainFlex concepts. Other topics include mental and emotional self-care, the impact of a positive mindset, the ‘why’ behind healthy sleep patterns, what healthy communication looks like, and tips on how to keep your relationships strong, just to name a few.
Nutrition: You are what you eat! Our goal is to stay mindful of the impact food choices have on the brain and body, as well as one’s over-all well-being. According to research, the healthier the gut, the healthier the brain. Four recipes are included in every workbook. (one/week) Recipes are carefully selected and crafted for enjoyment while cooking and eating. Nutritional information in the primary ingredients and the specific benefits the provide for the brain and body are listed. Bon Appetit!
Meditation/Prayer: Research confirms that chronic stress ages the brain and destroys brain cells. It has also been shown that our ‘mindset’ impacts both the brain and body, making thinking and speaking positively vital to ‘aging well’. Each BrainFlex workbook incorporates a variety of techniques, including breathing exercises, to help develop strategies to keep worry and anxiety away. Workbooks also include an instruction guide for prayer/meditation and self-affirmations.
Physical Exercise: Research tells us physical activity is THE MOST IMPORTANT way to keep the brain healthy. Each workbook includes a monthly guide with detailed written and visual instructions, covering a variety of stretching and strengthening exercises. The goal of the exercise guide is to increase and/or maintain range of motion, strengthen the core and other vital muscles that can help seniors maintain their independence and prevent falls. In addition, the increase oxygen flow and heart rate, (safely), during exercise sends life giving oxygen to the brain and boosts coordination, while also reinforcing the brain-body connection.

In addition to our 'News you can use' discussion sheets, each lesson includes 3-5 brain stimulating exercises, all designed to stimulate various areas of the brain. Activities focus on creativity, problem solving, self-expression, brainstorming, etc., while others require a more structured focus requiring a more analytical or logical approach, while others exercise areas of the brain related to reasoning and math. A life-long learning component (new information) is also incorporated into the workbook to increase the brain's cognitive reserve.

Each workbook contains four brain healthy recipes. (one for each week) Within the recipe, we dive deeper into the nutritional value contained in the recipe's primary ingredient's, as well as the benefits they provide the brain and body. Our goal is for seniors, family members, and caregivers to have a solid understanding of the impact every food choice has on the brain, body, and eventually...on the entire well-being. Since the stomach is considered to be the second brain, we know the vital role it plays in brain function. This is why nutrition education is a key component to the curriculum that makes up 'The BrainFlex' workbook. (BrainFlex recipes do not require any cooking.)

Meditation & Prayer
Each monthly workbook includes detailed instructions for a time of prayer and/or meditation. This guide incorporates a variety of visualization techniques focusing on gratitude and self-affirmations, which are also included. Meditation and prayer have become an integral part of the BrainFlex curriculum as more and more research supports the positive impact these have on the mind and body. This wonderful 'time-out', is designed to reduce worry and anxiety, and is based on research that the brain and body will typically follow the mind; therefore, it is vital that we think and speak positively. Throughout this time of relaxation, members are encouraged to practice various breathing techniques along with the self-affirmations.

Each monthly workbook includes an exercise guide with detailed instructions, along with visuals, which cover a variety of stretching and strengthening exercises. The goal of each exercise guide is to increase range of motion, strengthen muscles, (especially the core), increase oxygen flow and heart rate, (to safe levels), and boost coordination, as the brain-body connection is reinforced.